(Samuel Beckett - Company)
tone unchanged. No trace of love.
You are your back at the foot of an aspen. In its trembling shade.
She at right angles propped on her elbows head between her hands.
Your eyes opened and closed have looked in hers looking in yours.
In your dark you look in them again. Still. You feel on your face the
fringe of her long black hair stirring in the still air. Within the tent
of hair your faces are hidden from view. She murmurs, Listen to the
leaves. Eyes in each other’s eyes you listen to the leaves. In their
trembling shade.
Crawling and falling then. Crawling again and falling again.
If this finally no improvement on nothing he can always fall for good.
Or have never risen to his kness. Contrive how such crawl unlike the
voice may serve to chart the area. However roughly. First what is the
unit of crawl? Corresponding to the footstep of erect locomotion. He
rises to all fours and kness angles of an oblong two foot long width
irrelevant. Finally say left knee moves forward six inches thus half
halving distance between it and homologous hand. Which then in
due course in its turn moves forward by as much. Oblong now rhomboid.
But for no longer than it takes right knee and hand to follow suit.
Oblong restored. So on till he drops. Of all modes of crawl this the
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